Birth of the American Flag | Circa 1905

Busts set in Wreaths of Flower Under Lincoln and Garfield and the US Flag | Circa 1904

Chair Occupied by Teddy Roosevelt as Delegate from New York at Republican National Convention in 1900

Child with the American Flag and Fireworks | Circa 1906

Dorothy D. Frooks Standing at a Flag-Draped Dais | Circa 1900

Ferris Wheel at the World's Fair in St. Louis with a 13 Star Flag | Circa 1904

Flag Raised at the North Pole by Peary | Circa 1908

GAR Parade Flag at the Capitol | Circa 1905

Group of Women Standing on Top of Vehicle Waving Flags in New York City | Circa 1907

Little Boy Holding Three Large Firecrackers and an American Flag | Circa 1906

Mayor McClellan and Others on Flag-Bedecked Podium, New York | Circa 1900

Mrs. P. Whitney Presents Flag at Reformatory | Circa 1900

Mrs. Weston with Friends at the Beach in Jaffa with an American Flag in the Background | Circa 1900

Muratore Draped in the American Flag | Circa 1900

Parade in New York | Circa 1908

President Roosevelt and His Detectives at Sagamore Hill Posing on a Porch with Flags | Circa 1902

Santa Claus on the Back of a Washington D.C. Post Office Truck Decorated with Branches and an American Flag | Circa 1909

Teddy Roosevelt Speaking from a Flag Draped Platform | Circa 1900

Teddy Roosevelt Standing in Center of a Group of Men Outside a Porch Draped with Flags | Circa 1904

The First Flag Hoisted in Cuba | Circa 1908

Two Members of Frederick Cook's Expedition with US Flag Stuck in Igloo at Expedition Camp Site at the North Pole | Circa 1909

Woman with Stars and Eagle on Her Costume Holding a US Flag and Touching Tame Lion | Circa 1901

A Torn Flag as the Result of a Wind Storm on January 16th, 1917

Aimee Rochester in Scottish Kilt Holding an American Flag | Circa 1910

Banquet Scene with Flag Draping and Men Seated Holding Up Listening Device to One Ear | Circa 1913

Carter Glass and F.R. Wilson with Capitol Flag on Treasury Steps | Circa 1919

Children with Flags of Different Countires as a Woman Stands with an American Flag on the Steps of City Hall in New York City During an Americanaization Rally | Circa 1917

Flag Day | Circa 1919

Group of Men Raising Large American Flag on Opening Day of the Baseball Season at Ebbets Field | Circa 1914

Huge Flag Being Carried by a Large Group of Men in a GAR Parade in Washington D.C. | Circa 1915

J.F. Campbell Hardware & Stoves Deorated with American Flags | Circa 1919

Mgr. Lavelle Holding U.S. Flag | Circa 1916

President Woodrow Wilson Speaking Outside of the Treasury Department on Flag Day | Circa 1915

School for Bakers and Cooks, Camp Sheridan, Alabama with Tables and Ceiling Decorated with Flags | Circa 1918

Silver Jubilee Celebration at the Cincinnati Post Office | Circa 1910

Teddy Roosevelt on His Tour Through New Jersey Before the Convention on a Flag-Draped Platform | Circa 1912

Three Women Dressed as Fortune-Telling Gypsies with American Flags | Circa 1917

Torn Flag as the Result of a Wind Storm on January 16th, 1917