Beer Destroyed in a Washington D.C. Landfill | Circa 1923

Bottles and a Barrel of Confiscated Whiskey | Circa 1921

Cases of Confiscated Liquor Stacked in Corner of Room with Barred Doors | Circa 1921

Constables of the Des Moines Searchers and Advance Guard of the Fighting Prohbition Army | Circa 1889

Crowded Bar Moments Before Midnight, June 30, 1919, When Wartime Prohibition Went into Effect in New York City | Circa 1919

Dismantling a Still in San Francisco | Circa 1909

Elsie Hill Speaking in St. Paul, Minnesota During a Prohibition Party Convention that Endorsed a Plank Advocating a Suffrage Amendment | Circa 1916

Governor James P. Goodrich of Indiana, Surrounded by Prominent Dry Workers, Signing the State-Wide Prohibition Bill to Take Effect in 1918

Governor Norbeck Signing the Bone Dry Law | Circa 1917

Hooch Hound, a Dog Trained to Detect Liquor, Sniffs at the Flask in the Back Pocket of a Man, Fishing on a Pier on the Potomac River | Circa 1922

Men Standing in Warehouse with Cases of Confiscated Liquor | Circa 1921

Moonshine Confiscated by the Internal Revenue Bureau, Photographed at the Treasury Department | Circa 1921

National Prohibition Convention | Circa 1892

New York City Deputy Police Commissioner, John A. Leach, Watching Agents Pour Liquor into Sewer Following a Raid During the Height of Prohibition | Circa 1921

Policeman Standing Alongside Wrecked Car and Cases of Moonshine | Circa 1922

Pouring Whiskey into a Sewer | Circa 1909

Prohibition Officers Raiding the Lunch Room of 922 Pa. Ave. in Washington, D.C. | Circa 1923

The Aftermath of a Thrilling Chase Through the Busiest Streets of Washing, a Pair of Bootleggers and Their Car Come to Grief at the Hands of the Capitol Police | Circa 1922

The Largest Still Ever Taken in the National Capitol and Bottles of Liquor | Circa 1922

Truck Load of Beer Enroute to Chicago, Which Was Captured at Zion City, Illinois | Circa 1910

Two Men of the US Internal Revenue Bureau Carrying Packages of Confiscated Liquor | Circa 1921

Two Men Posing with a Whiskey Still | Circa 1920

Two Men Standing Outdoors with Small Still, One of Them Holding Up a Bottle of Liquor | Circa 1921

W. Hurd Clendinen, Mayor of Zion City, Pouring Away Two Bottles of Beer | Circa 1921