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Antique Flag
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The Best
The Extraordinary
Exceptional California Dry Movement Pennant | The Only Example We Have Encountered | Circa 1914
Exceptional 30 Star Antique US Flag with a Medallion Configuration and Haloed Center Star | One of Fewer Than 15 Known in This Form | Wisconsin Statehood | Circa 1848-1851
Rare Centennial Swallowtail Banner | Celebrating 100 Years of American Independence | Made by the American Flag Company | Circa 1876
Sheepskin Chaps from the Historic CS Cattle Company | A Rare Artifact of Early Ranching Life, Showcasing Craftsmanship, Functionality, and the Spirit of the American West | Circa 1873-1910
Ohio State Flag with Civil War Veteran’s Memorial Overprint | Made to Commemorate Daniel M. Hall, National Commander of the Grand Army of the Republic, and His Legacy of Service | Circa 1925
A Rare Broadside on Linen Urging Policy Change During Prohibition | An Open Letter on Prohibition’s Economic Impact | Circa 1920 to 1933
Teddy Roosevelt Progressive Battle Flag Bandanna | A Campaign Textile Celebrating the Vision of the Bull Moose Party | Circa 1912
Spectacular Civil Rights Now Freedom Pennant | A Historic Artifact from the Iconic March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, Commemorating a Pivotal Moment in Civil Rights History | Circa 1963
Antique I Love You California Pennant | A Commemorative Souvenir Celebrating the Panama-California Exposition and California’s Heritage | Circa 1915-1917
Rare Antique Votes for Women Suffrage Pennant | A Symbol of the Women’s Rights Movement | Circa 1910-1920
Vintage John F. Kennedy Memorial Pennant | Circa 1963
Large Scale 44 Star Antique Flag with an Impressive Medallion Star Pattern | Wyoming Statehood | Circa 1890-1896
Outstanding 48 Star Flag with a 7-7-7-7-7-7-6 Pattern | Made Entirely of Ribbons Presented by the Worcester North Agricultural Society of Massachusetts | A Folk Art Masterpiece | Circa 1917
Antique Kerchief for the Repeal of the 18th Amendment | More Beer Less Taxes | Made by PECK & PECK | Circa 1932-1933
Scarce Antique Horatio Seymour and Gen. F. P. Blair Campaign Flag | Includes 36 Stars in a Medallion Configuration | Nevada Statehood | Circa 1864-1868
13 Star Parade Flag in a Rare Large Size | Made to Celebrate the Centennial | Circa 1876-1890
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7 Star Antique Flag with a Handwritten Note from Mary Babbitt to Leila Babbitt | Founders of the Babbitt School | Circa 1891
Outstanding 34 Star Antique Flag with a Medallion Star Configuration and Large Haloed Center Star | A Civil War Era Example | Circa 1861-1863
Antique Teddy Roosevelt Campaign Bandanna | Made for His Run with the Progressive Bull Moose Party | Circa 1912
Outstanding 38 Star Parade Flag with a Grand Luminary Star Configuration in the Shape of a Guidon | The First Example We Have Encountered | Colorado Statehood | Circa 1876-1889
Antique International Live Stock Show Pennant | Circa 1940-1960
Attractive and Folksy J.T. McMillan Sanitary Meat Market Trade Sign | Circa 1900-1930
Rare, Striking, Large Scale 38 Star Antique Flag with an Offset Medallion Pattern | Colorado Statehood | Circa 1876-1889
38 Star Antique Flag | Includes a CENTENNIAL 1876 Overprint | Colorado Statehood | Circa 1876
Impressive, Large Scale Cleveland and Hendricks Campaign Flag | Nevada Statehood | Circa 1864-1884
Outstanding Children’s Dress Made of 38 Star Antique Flags | Made to Celebrate the Nation’s Centennial | Colorado Statehood | Circa 1876
Scarce 8 Star Antique Flag | Made to Celebrate the Secession of Virginia from the Union | Circa 1861
36 Star Antique Flag with Crudely Shaped Stars | Nevada Statehood | Circa 1864-1867
Vintage Earl May Farm Seed Sack | Includes a Wonderful Graphic of Kernels Falling and Transitioning into Gold Coins | Circa 1950-1960
Extraordinary Douglas & Johnson Campaign Flag with 13 Stars and a Portrait of the Little Giant | The Only Example We Have Encountered | Circa 1860
Terrific Textile Broadside | WANTED! TEN THOUSAND CALF SKINS AND 1000 BEEF HIDES | Likely the Only Remaining Example | Circa 1875-1880
Homemade 44 Star Antique American Flag with an Outstanding Medallion Configuration and Flanking Stars | Wyoming Statehood | Circa 1890-1896
48 Star Antique American Pennant Designed by Wayne Whipple | Extremely Rare and Desirable | Circa 1909-1912
Scarce and Spectacular Ulysses S. Grant and Schuyler Colfax Campaign Flag | Features a Medallion of Stars and Portrait of Grant Therein | One of the Finest Flags in Existence | Circa 1868
Outstanding Repeal the 18th Amendment Banner | Made to Support the End of Prohibition | Circa 1932
Antique “NEBRASKA DRY” Pennant | Made to Support Prohibition | Circa 1916
Rare Antique Trade Card Flag for United States Playing Cards with 18 Stars and a Starburst Pattern | Circa 1885
Fantastic National Western Stock Show Pennant | The Earliest Denver Stock Show Pennant We Have Encountered | Circa 1914
Exceptional and Extremely Rare 35 Star Antique Flag with a Haloed Medallion | West Virginia Statehood | Circa 1863-1865
Exceptional and Unusual 13 Star Antique Flag | Includes a 4-5-4 Pattern of Canted Stars | Circa 1876-1915
Outstanding 38 Star Parade Flag with a Grand Luminary Star Configuration | Colorado Statehood | Circa 1876-1889
Superb Jersey Cow Weathervane | Made by L.W. Cushing & Sons of Waltham, Massachusetts | Circa Approximately 1880
Antique George Washington Banner | Made to Celebrate the Centennial | Circa 1876
Protection to Home Industries & True Blue Republican Kerchief | Associated with the Benjamin Harrison Campaign | Circa 1888
from $1,150.00
Extraordinary and Important Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Johnson Campaign Flag | One of Two Known and the Only Example in Public Circulation | Circa 1864
Antique Cigar Quilt | Perfect Scale and Striking Design | Circa 1880-1910
from $1,150.00
Attractive Northern Cree Indian Bead-Decorated Gauntlets | Circa 1910-1920
39 Star Antique Flag with an Overprint of the California Bear | The Only Example We Have Ever Encountered | Circa 1876-1889
36 Star Antique Flag with a Rare Medallion Defining a Grand Luminary Configuration | Nevada Statehood | Circa 1864-1867
Outstanding and Extremely Rare 36 Star Antique Flag with a Haloed Medallion | A Striking Flag from America’s Past | Nevada Statehood | Circa 1864-1867
Rare “VOTES FOR WOMEN” Pennant with Interesting Proportions | Circa 1910-1920
45 Star Antique Flag with a Notched Star Configuration | An Attractive Homemade Example | Utah Statehood | Circa 1896-1907
Striking King William Cotton Broadside | The Celebrated Imported Norman Stallion | Made by Pantagraph Print of Bloomington, Illinois | Circa 1878
Scarce 47 Star Antique Flag | An Incredible Handsewn Example | New Mexico Statehood | Circa 1912
Scarce 46 Star Parade Flag | Made to Celebrate the 100th Anniversary of Abraham Lincoln's Birth | Oklahoma Statehood | Circa 1909
45 Star Antique American Flag with a Medallion Configuration | Made to Welcome President Roosevelt to Evanston, Wyoming | The Only Example We Have Encountered | Circa 1903
Antique Cheyenne Frontier Days Pennant | Features a Cowboy Atop a Bucking Bronco | Circa 1917
Exceptional Large Scale 33 Star Antique Flag with an Offset Medallion Star Configuration | Oregon Statehood | Circa 1859-1861
Attractive and Rare 34 Star Antique Flag with a 5-6-6-6-6-5 Pattern | Kansas Statehood | Circa 1861-1863
Scarce French Tricolor Flag with a VIVE NAPOLEAN III Overprint | Used as a Tribute to the Late Emperor | Circa 1873
46 Star Antique American Flag with Randomly Canted Stars | Oklahoma Statehood | Circa 1907-1912
36 Star Antique Flag with a Grand Luminary Pattern | A Spectacular Flag in Every Respect | Nevada Statehood | Circa 1864-1867
Antique Blue Ribbon from the 10th Annual Chicago Feeder Cattle Show & Sale | Held at the Union Stock Yards in Chicago | Circa 1954